Simply put, icyou is the Youtube of health-related videos. It launched around September 2007 by BenefitFocus, a Charleston (SC) based healthcare benefits software provider. The name icyou stands for ‘Intensive Content for Your Health’…a twist on the actual ICUs (Intensive Care Units).
Basic idea is for icyou to be the exchange hub for patients, providers and caregivers to share their stories and experiences with the world. Some social networking add-ons like profile page, blogs are included too. The company seems to be well-funded and seriously engaged, given their onsite studio and mainstream press coverage.
I’m not a big optimist when it comes to online video space, but icyou does point to an important trend: massive information sharing platforms like online videos are prone to be more successful (as businesses) when adapted to a niche. Healthcare is a great example of such a niche. But I’m not convinced if anyone has mastered a straight forward revenue model. Icyou doesn’t mention how they intend to monetize their content either. They don’t have ads running, but even if they did, advertising can’t really pay the bills for such a bandwidth-heavy service.