Note: I had stopped writing posts in 2017. Slowly getting back to it starting late 2024, mostly for AI.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Oct 14, 2010 | From HHS


  • SAMHSA was established in 1992 to target substance abuse and mental health services
  • The Office of Applied Studies (OAS) is an Office within SAMHSA- it is the primary source of national data on the prevalence, treatment, and consequences of substance abuse in the United States.
  • Data is collected on drug-related emergency room visits and drug-related deaths; also on the location, organization, and capacity of providers which offer services to prevent and treat substance abuse
  • SAMHSA has three major data collection systems to provide this information on a regular basis:
    1. National Survey on Drug Use & Health (NSDUH)
    2. Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS)
    3. Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)
  • Source Link